One of these men is Cole Cringely
Tomorrow’s column will be all about BP, the Gulf oil spill, and doom-and-gloom, but today we’re getting ready for the Startup Tour, which begins a week from Monday.
In addition to choosing the 24 companies to visit, these days see me still seeking a single corporate sponsor for the Tour, itself. So if your company (not a startup) wants your logo on the bus along with those of the Kauffman Foundation and an unnamed-but-enormous TV network, get in touch with me soon. It’s way cheaper than buying commercials on the series, we’ll hang out together on TV, plus you get free muffins.
During last summer’s RV trip Cole, who was then age five, bitched constantly about wanting to be home. But when we finally arrived home he suddenly wanted to be back on the road. “I just realized we were on an adventure,” he explained.
This summer’s Tour will definitely be an adventure and one of my goals is to write about it every day. That sort of comes with the blogging territory, of course, but this is a rare chance that might well turn into not just a blog, but a book. I had a chance to do something similar a decade ago, blew it then, and have been kicking myself ever since.
Back in 1998 I was working for PBS and riding a popularity wave with Triumph of the Nerds. That included making appearances at member stations, especially during the notorious pledge drives. They’d air my show and during breaks I’d help the stations beg for money. One night I was doing just this at KCET in Los Angeles and it was particularly dreary. The phones weren’t ringing; the anchormen and women sitting with me on the set did not have their hearts in their work. I had to do something.
So I rashly announced that anyone who would donate $1000 or more while I was on the air that night would get all the normal goodies for that donation level plus I would take them out to dinner. We got three takers that night — three $1000 pledges — but only one person actually paid. He was a software guy from Santa Monica and we had a very nice lunch together a couple weeks later.
So far so good.
A few months passed and I found myself in exactly the same position at WNET in New York, so I made the same proposal — dinner with Bob for $1000 or more. Those savvy folks at WNET didn’t accept pledges, just donations paid in full that evening on a credit card. And when the smoke cleared 28 people had each paid $1000 for dinner with me.
Frankly I hadn’t expected that many takers. Based on L.A. I was hoping for half a dozen, maybe 10. Twenty-eight was a logistical nightmare because I lived in California and the dinners had to be in New York. Eventually I spent two weeks and more than $15,000 of my own money in the Big Apple going out breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
It was expensive, but the people I met were amazing — so amazing that I later realized I should have written it all down and published a book, it was that good.
The common link that bound all 28 of my New York meal companions was they wanted money. There were the usual mad scientists but there was also a waiter from a Chinese restaurant who was trying to be an Internet entrepreneur (I’m sure he succeeded, he was so driven). There was a Hudson River tugboat captain who wanted me to get Larry Ellison to buy him a $31 million sailing ship. And there were two sisters in their 70‘s from the Upper East Side of Manhattan. We went to lunch at the Four Seasons where they revealed that I was supposed to help them raise money for their Broadway musical. After the second round of martinis they started doing songs from the show!
Can you see why I should have written a book?
I survived New York and in early 1999 decided to take a chance on doing the same thing at KQED in San Francisco. The market was smaller than New York so I expected fewer takers. I was living then in Silicon Valley so my expenses would be lower. What the heck…. The morning after found 18 new $1000 donors to KQED.
It took me a few weeks to take all those people to dinner and you know they were completely different from the donors in New York. None of the San Francisco donors were looking for money. They wanted to talk about ideas. My guests included a noted greeting card designer, several famous and semi-famous nerds, and a couple of single ladies who thought I was kind of cute.
I’d do dinners like that all the time in San Francisco if I could afford it.
Remember that was the height of dot-com fever when everyone in the Bay Area seemed to be rolling in dough. If I were to do it again in 2010 the results might be different, but I’d still expect the currency to mainly be ideas.
My final dinner from that KQED experience was with a guy who worked for DHL on the company’s web site. It was April 20, 1999. Near the end of dinner he called his room mate (a woman) and asked her to join us for dessert. I’m still friends with many of those KQED donors including the guy from DHL. And eleven years and four children later his old room mate is Mrs. Cringely. We’re still together, still on an adventure.
I should have written that book.
Happy anniversary?
(Yes, I know not the April 20 one, but this could easily be a wedding anniversary.)
This is great writing, and where you shine. Why not give the tech predictions a rest and just write about interesting people?
Your shows and articles are the best when you explored the personalities and quirkiness of the characters behind key technologies. We ALL want to hear about “ordinary” people capitalizing on “extraordinary” opportunities.
I can’t wait to read about your tour. Have fun storming the castle!
There are lots of interesting people on interesting journeys. I found the more interesting journeys I have the more you can contribute. Cheers.
Wow! I didn’t see that one coming. I always liked your writing style Bob, especially when you’re writing about people instead of bits of electronic gear. Can’t wait for the next book.
Great little reminder that life should truly be a daring adventure or nothing at all. Thank you!
Great story Bob.
Written a book?, nah, that’s so pre-internet, multimedia is all the rage, didn’t you know? You should have caught it all on video, or at least audio and created an audio book. Make sure you take an audio recorder on your road trip along with your video crew, you never know what they might blurt out when the camera is off!
So many possibilities, can’t wait for the final result, have a great adventure!
Oh, and a “making of” will be expected for the DVD release, let Cole and/or Mrs.C lose with a handycam.
You should try BP as a sponsor, they sure need a bit of PR at the moment and if they can fuel up the RV all the better! Who knows maybe one of those innovative start ups can work out how to clean up oil spills in an innovative way.
Given your $1000 dollar dinners gave you such a range of innovative people with ideas, if you ever go there again you should put them all together and have a dinner and film it. By injecting a few key questions and seeing where the evening takes you, the result is likely to be an episode in the psyche of those innovative start-ups you are so intent on studying. Although I (and I’m sure Mrs Cringely) for one am glad you took the more personal route last time round otherwise we may not be seeing the great commentary we are seeing today.
how good was the food ?
If we allocate a thousand dollars per flight, two hundred bucks a night for hotels, one hotel meal per day, and leave some room for taxi fare and a couple Broadway shows – Bob spent about $300 per meal. He clearly knows how to take somebody out for breakfast!
(that’s a picked-from-the-orange-tree-in-Florida-yesterday-juice kind of breakfast)
Hey Bob,
speaking of interesting chats with interesting people… NerdTV/TechTycoons?? Any word on this? Should I just stop hoping now?
As I recall you were having issues working out the dollars side of things for that? Fingers crossed the iTMS gets iAds in their free podcasts 🙂 Although, I’d pay a couple of bucks per episode.
I couldn’t find a convenient way to leave you a message and am not inclined to fire up the email program. The “Bob’s Finance Blog” in the links on the right has been taken over by godaddy.com squatters.
I actually took the time to fire up the email program and ask the same question. Bob answered that for a variety of reasons the blog is on hold right now and he doesn’t know when or if it will start back up.
Subject: This blog going downhill
I was used to reading thought-provoking Pulpit articles.
They seem to have been replaced by this .. bland blog .
Too bad. Time to unsubscribe..
Shrugs – don’t let the door hit you on the arse when you go.
Looking over the last two months there have been many interesting entries on technology, issues surrounding technology (business, finance and social), and also entries about the upcoming technology startup tour.
Judging from the quantity and general quality of comments they are still provoking plenty of thought.
Bob – the blog is really enjoyable. Technology is my main reason for reading right from the start (since Triumph of the Nerds aired in the UK in 1997, but I played catch up once I found your Pulpitt pages), but occasional diversions like this make it all the more enjoyable. Your blog is always interesting in some way, and stories like this just as much so. I can only imagine what kind of ideas those dinner companions told you of. Now that would have been an interesting book!
Good luck with the tour. I’ll be following the updates on here. And next time you’re near London let me know – I’m sure I could dig out $1000 for dinner 🙂
Hi Bob
Thanks for the great story.
Good luck on your road trip and look forward to the bulletins.
Look forward to dinner next time you’re in the Bay Area, were moving back in August.
All the best,
Good story, bad date. I guess someone had to meet on Hitler’s birthday . . .
Doesn’t sound like a book, sounds like a movie
I’d watch it
Have always enjoyed your writing. Keep it up!
Fantastic – Great story.
its tomorrow how about the BP story
One lucky guy.
The next time you are in town I will take YOU to dinner.
So when will the winning 24 (or the losing everybody else) be notified?
Bob, that story was awesome! I always enjoy your column. I think I especially enjoyed this one. So do you ever talk to the ex-roomate these days? Do you ever wonder what your life would have been like had you not said, “Ah, what the hell?”
For Cole:
“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.” — G.K. Chesterton
What a great article. Do you ever miss those days working for/with PBS and all the cool shows and stuff you got to do? It always looked like you were having a blast when you did those shows.
Keep up the good work.
Fellow Bay Area Techie. (Pleasanton)
Great story Bob! The world needs more of these non-doom-and-gloom stories!
I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Book and movie deal, Cringely’s “Yes Man”.
Reminds me of an adventure I had doing an open water water race across Lake Minnetoka. The twin sisters in my support canoe were retired computer scientists
who worked with Grace Hopper and then with Seymour Cray when Cray Computer
was a startup.
I got a personal tour of Cray the next day. Beats the hell out of walking around Mall
of America 😉
Inspirational post! I just made it my 1000th tweet!
Good story, even better story about how you met your wife.
Not one day has passed that I haven’t thought of how lucky I am for having two great friends like you and Mary-Alyce. You left out a few important facts, like the one where my ATM card wouldn’t allow me to take out $1000 so I had to wake my Brother in Virginia (who owed me rent anyway) and put it on his card 🙂 I can’t think of two more hard working and quirky funny people who truly love and deserve each other. I love you Bob & of course Mary-Alyce and the rest of the fam. I hope to see you while you’re visiting SF.
Ps. While you’re here I have a girl of my own I want you to meet.
The Roomie
You really should’ve written a book about that! lol. I cant wait for the tour to begin, so that I can feel as if i’m apart of your travels!
Great column today Bob. I’ve always enjoyed your style ever since Accidental Empires, 1st edition.
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