Today is the 200th birthday of author Charles Dickens, yet also an oddly appropriate moment to announce a new edition of my book Accidental Empires in a very 21st century format.
Late last year a reader pointed out to me that 2012 is the 20th anniversary of Accidental Empires which was, in its own way, a pretty influential book. Accidental Empires was my attempt to blatantly apply the breezy style of Adam Smith’s The Money Game to the personal computer industry. And somehow it worked, because the book was eventually published in 18 languages and was a bestseller in several countries including the U.S. and Japan.
The book was also the basis for my 1996 TV miniseries Triumph of the Nerds, which has aired in more than 60 countries.
My reader wondered why there wasn’t an eBook edition? Good question. The printed book technically remains in print, yet there is no eBook.
Well it turns out that eBooks had yet to be invented in 1989 when I signed the original contract with publisher Addison-Wesley, and there were no sharp-eyed lawyers working that day to claim all rights on all platforms, invented or yet to be invented. So the eBook rights are mine.
Now here‘s my dilemma. I could rip up a pristine copy of the “updated” 1996 paperback edition, run that through my Fujitsu SnapScan scanner, and have the bones of an eBook edition almost instantly. Or I could spend a year or more to update the book for today’s readers, adding pictures (the original book had none) and some new chapters.
We’re not talking about a work of art here, but this is a book that some people feel pretty strongly about. Dozens of company founders have told me over the years that they read it more than once on their way to the top (and sometimes back again). Hundreds of people have told me the book inspired them to find careers in technology or they used it to explain to their clueless loved ones what all the fuss was about. I could mess with the original text, sure, but doing so would surely upset someone.
And then it came to me — a whole new way to publish a new edition of Accidental Empires or any older but still popular book for that matter. In an eBook edition I could add new material yet give readers the option to read the original text as published back in the 90’s or an updated text for today or even toggle back and forth.
But wait, there’s more!
Here’s where Charles Dickens enters the picture. When his stories first appeared back in the 19th century, Dickens’ David Copperfield and Oliver Twist weren’t sold in bookshops, they were serialized in newspapers, unfolding one chapter at a time over weeks or months. The books came later.
I’ll do a 21st century version of the same thing, serializing Accidental Empires on the web.
So next month I’ll be starting a second blog with its own URL just for Accidental Empires. I, Cringely will continue right here as ever (no changes at all), but on the book blog I will over several months publish — a chapter or so at a time — the entire 100,000-word book for the world to read, free of charge.
Like most blogs, this new one will allow reader comments. And it’s those comments I’ll use in part to update the work when it later appears in eBook form. What happened to these people? What stories do you remember? Where did it go from here?
Once the entire book has been serialized, my friend and eBook expert Parampreet Singh (he of the Toronto Singhs, of course) and I will pick the best of these reader annotations along with several thousand words of new material I’ve been saving-up and publish what ought to be an enormous number of electrons — Accidental Empires Rebooted.
This will be, as usual, both a grand adventure and a crap shoot. To minimize our financial risk I’ll run ads on the new blog. But to avoid pitching adult diapers and electrolyte replacements alongside my life’s work I’d rather sell out the entire blog to a single tech advertiser like a Cisco or a
If you know any outfit that might like to participate in what should be an amazing publishing adventure, please pass it on.
I loved the book and the TV series!
Yes… and what happened to your aeroplane?
Oh yeah, biplane N30DY! It looks like Cringely still owned it as of 2009:
I love the series, and just bought a copy of the book last year. I cannot wait to see the serialized version and the rebooted version. I normally do not double-dip on media, but this is definitely one work worth having in multiple versions.
This is a fantastic idea!! Hold out for a good worthy sponsor though. See you there
We’ve had some nibbles from potential advertisers, but no deal yet.
I love that book.
While we’re on the subject of Cringely books, just the other day I was thinking about this column:
where you mentioned a new book that was supposed to come out. When might one be able to read that one (whatever it is/was) in digital format?
In that same column Bob said “So in a few weeks you can expect to see the return of NerdTV with not just one show, but several.”
A man can dream. Or, at the very least, hope.
I made a whole second season of NerdTV in partnership with a couple who later got divorced. Those shows were trapped in a legal limbo but it looks like they might be released shortly on YouTube.
Any chance of an Audiobook version on Audible? Pllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeee
There’s actually an audio version on cassette
Also on the iTMS! But it’s abridged.
Great stuff, Bob. Thanks again and good luck.
And then there’s That Other Book you mentioned in 2007 that we’re all hoping for…
Great stuff Bob, looking forward to it!
Thanks for doing the experiment – “Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It”. Can I also suggest sending a copy off to just to see how good a job they do on the scanning and OCR?
He’s already got a ScanSnap. It’s hard to beat.
But why *didn’t* they call it the “SnapScan”? It’s a better name!
Did you even look to see what 1dollarscan does?
Scansnap doesn’t do things like slice the spine off your books. Nor can you mail/deliver a pile of books and other material to it, pay a few bucks and have the results emailed back.
I’m sure it is great but I have boxes of old books and the scan was finished weeks ago.
Good idea. Collaborative writing, with the readers input (with appropriate attribution, since they might have copyrighted their comments and overridden your TOS). An interesting concept sure to give Intellectual Property attorneys a few years’ worth of business!
This seems like a great idea. I LOVED that book, even if the whole Y2K doomsday scenario didn’t quite play out as you expected.
So not thinking about an iBooks Textbook version then? Because I’d love that.
I don’t know. The book was used as a text by dozens of colleges and universities including seven years at the Open University in the UK. How would you make a textbook out of it?
The rich history of tech in the first book and in TOTN belongs in any good nerd’s codex of wisdom. I look forward to the new online edition! A lot has happened since 1996.
Two thumbs up. Like. +1
I still have mine kicking around here somewhere. It and the series inspired me to go in a certain direction career wise. Now I’ve been with my company 10 years! I’d re-buy the ebook, no question.
I still have my French copy of the book. Love it. I wish I had the English version.
I’d love a revised edition. Or maybe a new second volume with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Palm, Apple (again), etc. Plenty of things you can write about.
I’d buy the hard copy.
The French edition was interesting. It was done in a large paper format with illustrations. The translator had a day job working for the government office tasked with protecting the French language so he didn’t just translate the jokes but made them French. It was a huge success as a result.
Amazon would seem a perfect sponsor to me. They should be pretty much interested in the concept and the content. But then there are those old contracts with Addison-Wesley….
I would put the ebook out for purchase first. Pretty please?!?
Love you so much
Nice idea Bob, look forward to reading it.
Christmas – in February? Sure, why not.
How about including links to video clips from Nerd TV, where appropriate? The interview with Andy Hertzfeld comes to mind.
Looking forward to it. I think Tim O’Reilly/O’Reilly Media would be the perfect sponsors – a progressive publisher with as long and influential presence as Bob himself!
Neat. I was just playing with iBook Author the other day and was thinking about this.
I’d much rather see a follow up book! One which took off from where Accidental Empires left off, covering the rise again of Steve Jobs, the fall of Microsoft under Ballmer.
Plus there’s a ton of new places the book could go. Bebo came and went, so did MySpace but why did Facebook remain? Then there’s the might of shopping such as Amazon. How, why, when?
And yes, I bought and read the orignal book, watched the TV series, and bought the book again when it was updated.
Pictures? Why not add video, too? Seriously …, why shouldn’t an e-book include a few vid-clips along with graphic image? Old interviews from Triumph Of The Nerds and perhaps some from Nerds 2.0 and any new video.
Definitely new chapters on future of education, the direction of world capital and the economy and how that is shaping technology,innovation, world culture and business models.
IAW Barry Flanagan about O’Reilly. They will publish in non-DRM’d epub and azw. You could probably convert it to iBooks format without too much trouble, too.
I was more thinking of O’Reilly as the sponsor for the web serialisation. Tim seems to me to be progressive enough to support such an experimental concept. And yes, I also agree they would be an ideal ebook publisher but that was not my initial thought.
It is a far, far better thing that [you] do, than [you] have ever done; it is a far, far better [retirement] that [you] go to than [you] have ever known.
Great, one of the keys to teaching students to read is to get them to interact with what they are reading. When I am teaching high school students how to engage a text I try to get them to have a conversation with what they are reading. What better way than through a blog, complete with comments, to just that.
Joe Dokes
I was watching “Steve Jobs, One last thing” again and I noticed that the painting in the video in your house/office was a Mose Tolliver “Bus” painting. I collect Mose T as well. I have no idea why I noticed that, but I did… crazy
Thanks!… FYI seen Triumph of the Nerds several times as well.
My wife bought that from Mose T, himself.
Really looking forward to this, my copy of ‘Accidental Empires’ having been long since misplaced.
I have not read your book, do not remember if I have seen the Nerds series, but the very idea of a serialized eBook appeals to me. I look forward to reading what you come up with in this project. This seems much more than an experiment to me; the future of publishing IMHO.
Consider if you can get on a curated ad network like “The Deck”
it’s respectful to readers. not sure about the numbers.
hi Bob,
I’ve been following this blog for a long time and never commented before, but since you mentioned it, I wanted to say how much I loved Triumph of the Nerds. I had just seen Pirates of the Silicon Valley and was craving for the real story. It was exactly what I was looking for. It also introduced me to this guy called Bob Cringley, who managed to explaine to us regular non-supersmart folk what things like computer languages where.
definitley looking forward to reading the book.
If you haven’t already, make sure the Cringely legal team has thoroughly reviewed your original contract. There’s a lot of furor in the publishing industry right now over who owns the eBooks rights to older books. See for instance
Yes, this is a hornet’s nest, but I don’t think any publisher will choose to use me as a test case. This is because my last royalty check was for $8.79 (that’s for six months of sales) and because I’m not afraid of a fight. All publicity is good publicity and my lawyer Claude (he appeared in TOTN, remember) is better than their lawyer no matter who THEY are.
Bob, I have never commented before either, but I have enjoyed your blog and am definitely looking forward to the Accidental Empire Reboot URL! Keep it going!
Don’t call it “Rebooted”, because that implies you have started over. Rather call it “Service Pack 1”.
Who knows, we might enjoy SP2 in ten years’ time.
Good idea.
The SP2 would show up when the 3 boys were in or really close to college.
A form of just in time manufacturing.
Hells ya!
Love the idea! But now that you’re using Windows 7 Professional, aren’t you temped to call it Accidental Empires, Service Pack 2?
Been in the computer history hobby for a while now, and quite inspired from your book and documentary series. Would you consider video content in addition to your serial blog?
It’d be kind of neat if you could get Apple and MS onboard as advertisers (yes, that would be two instead of one) given their role in your tale.
Yeah, right.
Make it all about me!
Bob this is a great idea that I sense will evolve just a tad more. But for advertising; Cisco? Hmmm. Give me a moment… Oh yeah! I remember them. Forget the tech fly-by-nights. (Because ultimately they all are. Right Mr. Wang?) Go for the big game and demand arms and legs. Advertise the oak paneled room, cigar smoking, old school blue chips that’ll survive the hacker induced end of days with the cockroaches and Cher: Go for General Electric, Chevron, Ford, Northrop Grumman… and yes, McDonalds. But your a tech writer you say? Pfffeeh. Hunt Lion and Rhino or stay out of the gun shop. When this idea comes to fruition I want to see these blue chip logos flashing all over your pages like it’s the Walmart Christmas tree department in December. You’re Robert Cringely damn it!
“..and another great Western on tonight. Heck. I should buy this TV station.”
Fun injection complete. : )
Love your stuff. Keep writing Bob…
I had a copy of the original 1992 book, gave it away to a senior editor with whom I worked and then bought the updated 1996 edition.
It is a remarkable piece of work, very well-written, and if it is published in an open format as an e-book I will certainly buy a copy.
I’ve quoted it numerous times in my writing over the years and even interviewed Cringely once.
Once again, you have taken a straight-forward idea and given it one of your unique Cringely-twists. Love the idea. I agree with the other comments about holding out for the right sponsor. It should be the publishing event of the year …and if you want to create a way for smaller companies like mine to send a donation of appreciation when you start publishing, I would be keen to contribute. The really good stuff should never be free
Great concept . . . and thank you.
it is the best of times; it is the worst of times…
Anybody doing any knitting these days? Or does that need to be techno-updated? And does anyone know what I mean? (read A Tale of Two Cities, really, it’s a very cool, beautiful book)
[…] Robert X. Cringely to repost book Accidental Empires to blog Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress PluginTechnology writer and blogger Robert X. Cringely (the one behind the 1996 TV miniseries Triumph of the Nerds, not the InfoWorld columnists) has announced he is going to be rebooting his written-in-1989, updated-in-1996 history of Silicon Valley, Accidental Empires for the modern Internet age: he is going to blog it. […]
Great news, I only just finished re-reading the original book a couple of days ago and was wondering if there was an updated version!
Remind your kids:
You rock.
1. Bought the original book and loved it. Still have it some where…..
2. Love the idea of a update version…..
3. Like the idea of a Sponsor and think the suggestion of O’Reilly is a great one. Amazon…. not so much.
4. Have you thought about writing a book about the last 10-11 years since the bust?!
Great idea, can’t wait.
I, like so many others, loved the original, and Triumph of the Nerds.
(For what it’s worth, I also liked Plane Crazy!)
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Can’t wait.
Excellent. I’m a big fan of both the book and Triumph of the Nerds. Oh, for those lost master tapes, quite aside from Steve Jobs, I can only guess what other great, unused, interview footage they contained. I wish you could do another television series on the intervening years, there is a lot to cover, and the hair would be better.
Alas, the Steve Jobs interview was the only one that Paul Sen kept. The other 124 were lost forever — that is unless they’ve been locked in an Oregon closet all this time…
Speaking of Dickens: . Check out the clip between the 1 and 2 minute marks.
Craig’s Dickens monolog:
kickstarter to raise funds from those directly intersted?
No funds are required. eBooks are cheap to make and sell for low prices as a result.
I should probably mention, that I hate Charles Dicken’s writing, for exactly the reason that they were written to be released that way, coming to some pointless cliff-hanger every chapter, only to resolve that cliff-hanger then come to yet another cliff-hanger one chapter later.
I’ve appreciated “Accidental Empires”, but only because it spawned “Triumph Of The Nerds”, it was many years later that I realized it was a book first, and that book wasn’t even named “Triumph” of anything. TOTN though provides a video snapshot of the industry circa 1995 which is invaluable.
Still, I hope the approach works for you.
Thanks… I think.
Still waiting for Part II, “see you in ten years” as you promised at the end of TotN 16 years ago (and I don’t mean that Nerds 2.0.1 deal, either). I would think someone besides PBS would finance such a docu, considering the success of the original and how significantly the story has changed from that point on.
Oh well.
We got within weeks of shooting Nerds 3 back in 2005 when PBS pulled the plug at the last moment. Now I just don’t think there is enough interest at any network.
Why PBS? They have a marketing problem. And so does NASA and…oh crap, off topic. Some of the best television ever aired is on PBS, but no one watches it because its PBS. The same channels that air Sesame Street. Mike Rowe had some success with Discovery Channel. Have you tried them? Just remember to pitch it as reality television and they will throw money at you. They will definitely throw something at you. Here’s hoping its money. I Love the book and the Documentary. Where will the eBook be distributed? iTunes? Amazon?
In regards to allowing people to switch between the original version and the new version, apparently you understand something about publishing that Mr. George Lucas does not. Thank You! It is much appreciated.
Bob, I would also mention the Eolas case in your updated version:
This is gonna be good stuff
Cringley for president!
Hey! What ever happened to that Steve Jobs interview movie?
Steve Jobs — The Lost Interview will reappear soon at a theater near you. Loot for an announcement soon from the new distributor.
[…] I, Cringely » Blog Archive » What the Dickens? Accidental Empires Rebooted – really psyched the Bob Cringely is rebooting his seminal Silicon Valley history […]
yes the interview with steve jobs
Sir Timothy John “Tim” Berners-Lee said I had to use the only unused computer lying around.
my misunderstanding of permitted caricatures led to my post being edited
it should have said steve jobs who said my computer was essential to the invention of the internet. a NeXT computer. the company he had between apple
> eBook expert Parampreet Singh (he of the Toronto Singhs, of course)
I don’t understand this reference and google isn’t helping either.
What are the “Toronto Singhs”?
Slight joke meaning the family of Singhs that live in toronto
It’s a JOKE. Parampreet Singh is like “John Smith” — a VERY common Indian name. But Parampreet is a very uncommon fellow who lives in Toronto.
My how time flies! Congratulations on 20th Anniversary.
Thanks to your book recommended to me long ago by my nerdy brother, I’m clueless no more. Meanwhile eagerly awaiting to see what develops on your second blog and e-book form.
If you want to donate it to Project Gutenberg that would be nice, too!
Why would I do that? I’ve been hounded by Project Guttenberg since before the book even appeared in print. Had I granted them electronic rights back in the early 1990s I would have been denying my children this chance to benefit from releasing an eBook. I DO THIS FOR A LIVING. There are thousands of copies of Accidental Empires sitting right now on the shelves of libraries all over the world. Nobody is being deprived of free access.
What’s a “library”? I thought it was that folder at the top of the Windows 7 Explorer tree, but your book isn’t in there.
Cringely’s Hollywood studio model certainly worked for Apple. They operate somewhat like a movie studio.
What sort of fact checking will be done for the anecdotes from commenters that are added to the new print edition?
Great question! Well I’ll certainly only include those that I feel add to the story. And yes, we’ll do some checking.
Hi Bob,
Andy Updegrove wrote a long series on self publishing. Although you probably have more resources than a normal individual I thought you might find it interesting.
You can find the series here:
It has some great advice on formatting, including photos in your ebook, book covers, who to publish through and lots more too.
Regards, Martin.
That’s why I have Parampreet, who does this for a living.
Though I’m a complete IT outsider, this sounds to me like a great idea. I guess this is as close to the cancelled Nerds 3 doc as we’re about to get, huh? Can’t wait to read this!
Sounds good, can’t wait to see it happen!
I can’t, Bob! The “Triumph of the Nerds” series was so good I bought it on VHS many years ago. I’ll definitely have some comments/questions to post about “where the hell are they now?” for some of the geeks you you interviewed back in the day.
Oops.. That was supposed to be “I can’t wait.”
Your blog writings and the documentary “Triumph of the Nerds” were key motivators on helping me realize my entrepreneurial dream. I am from New Delhi, India, and started following your blog in beginning of 2008 (the last semester of my undergraduate year in computer engineering). I was working with Dan Bricklin, co-inventor of VisiCalc, at that time on developing a spreadsheet for OLPC $100 laptop.
Wish to share with you that I very much look forward to reading your book. I find your storytelling approach simple, meaningful and focused on all kinds of audiences (At India, the new form factors of communication triggered via broadband internet arrived very late. We are still trying to learn on what we have missed.)
Best wishes,
Manu Sheel Gupta
Come on Bob — you’re 3-4 chapters behind
I can’t wait
I’ve lent my paperback copy of Accidental so many times, some of the pages are falling out, so an ebook will be GREAT
[…] pelo blog do meu colunista de tecnologia preferido — I, Cringely — eu topei com um post que fala sobre os 20 anos do lançamento do seu livro Accidental Empires — How the Boys of […]
This is really fascinating, You’re an overly skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and sit up for seeking more of your wonderful post. Also, I’ve shared your website in my social networks!
OK, so where is the URL for the Accidental Empires blog? I can’t find it anywhere on search engines, only references to this site or the book on Amazon, etc.
Doesn’t say anything, but I check it every day
Is there any updated status as to the ebook version of Accidential Empires?
Real late to the post, but I was wondering if there is any possibility of an update of “Triumph of the Nerds” or “Nerds 2.0.1”? All the interviews were so great and I would love to see how the same people would view the industry now.
Any updates on this project?
[…] Mais detalhes aqui. […]
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